I meant to post this on Father's Day, but it's been an interesting week with a lot of positives and negatives, and Sunday I was feeling just a little overwhelmed with everything. We enjoyed Father's Day very much, our last day before James returned home, so I think all of our minds were elsewhere (Sorry Brent and Dad). But I wanted to post about my dad. A year or so ago I posted about my mom; then I stopped blogging pretty much altogether, so I had never gotten a post done about my dad.
I don't remember not being a daddy's girl, and it was so hard for me when my parents' divorced and I did not live with him anymore. I loved my mom deeply, but I wanted to live with my dad, and it was so hard. I felt like I had more in common with him. My dad loved adventure, much like my mom, and I remember him introducing me to adventures when I was very young. He introduced me to my love of horses, swimming, hiking, and other outdoor activities that I do not have enough time to participate in these days. And in all of that, he taught me to get back up when I fell or to push harder when I was scared or tired.
My dad is also one of the calmest people I know. He pretty much maintains he same calmness no matter what the situation. I can remember a few times in my life when he got angry or emotional, but they are few and far between. I definitely did not inherit this gene from him, though I wish I did. I can remember as a teenager breaking rules or curfew and my dad hearing about it. The way he calmly handled it puts my parenting to shame. I wish I could say it made me change my behavior immediately, but it took some time. However, his words and actions stick with me today.
My dad was/is loads of fun! He was our pastor and youth pastor and when I was in junior high and high school, he directed our youth camp. I loved that he was at camp with me. It never occurred to me that most kids liked camp partly for the break it gave them away from family. I was proud that my dad was there, and I was proud of how fun he made everything. We had a little rural camp in Nebraska that did not have any of the fun perks that many camps have, not even a pool, but I didn't know any different. I remember my first year in college when I went with Brent to his camp, which was on a beautiful college campus. I was so disappointed. No offense to the Tri-State District of the Wesleyan Church, but camp was blah! When you have all the amenities, there is no need for creative, fun activities. My dad planned huge scavenger hunts and other fun games. We went tubing down the river, and just in general spent tons of time laughing and learning while doing simple activities. It was a blast!
As an adult, my dad has provided great encouragement, and he continues to teach me all the time. He's reminded me many times of how important it is to rely on God and to be obedient to Him, even when it is not easy. He has given when he has not had much to give. He has shown me unconditional love, and has shown the same to my husband and children. Dad, I love you so much, and I thank God that you are the earthly dad that He chose for me!!